Sovereign Grace is Good News!
What is absolutely clear to me as I read the Scriptures is that God saves us in such a way that He gets all the credit. That is to say, in a way in which His glory, and beauty, and majesty, and grace, and power, and love are most clearly displayed, and thus most fully enjoyed by His people. This is really good news! For the more we see of His glory the more we will be able to enjoy Him.
"We will be infinitely satisfied in Him because He will be infinitely glorified in us."We will be infinitely satisfied in Him because He will be infinitely glorified in us. In the epic story of redemption, we are not the undaunted heroes who overcome obstacles to get to Christ, but it is Christ, the only true hero of the story, who overcame every obstacle to rescue us and bring us to Himself. To Him be the glory forever and as it is written, "Let the one who boast, boast in the Lord" for "in His presence there is fullness of joy."
(A reflection from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31)
Nathan Cedarland is a servant-leader of Kaleo Grays Harbor, a church plant in Aberdeen, WA. He is passionate about God, his family (his wife Julissa and their five kids), his church family, equipping the Spanish-speaking church throughout the Americas, and film-making.
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